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/ Light ROM 4 / Light ROM 4 - Disc 1.iso / text / maillist / 1995 / 0295.doc / 000277_owner-lightwave-l _Tue Feb 14 11:05:57 1995.msg < prev    next >
Internet Message Format  |  1995-03-19  |  1KB

  1. Return-Path: <owner-lightwave-l>
  2. Received: by mail.netcom.com (8.6.9/Netcom)
  3.     id EAA24378; Tue, 14 Feb 1995 04:55:38 -0800
  4. Received: from osiris.isisnet.com by mail.netcom.com (8.6.9/Netcom)
  5.     id EAA24196; Tue, 14 Feb 1995 04:54:49 -0800
  6. Received: from ra.isisnet.com (ra.isisnet.com []) by osiris.isisnet.com (8.6.9/8.6.9) with ESMTP id LAA04052 for <lightwave-l@netcom.com>; Tue, 14 Feb 1995 11:05:06 -0400
  7. Received: from [] by ra.isisnet.com (8.6.9/SMI-SVR4)
  8.     id JAA28542; Tue, 14 Feb 1995 09:00:06 -0400
  9. Message-Id: <199502141300.JAA28542@ra.isisnet.com>
  10. Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 09:04:57 -0400
  11. To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
  12. From: aperusse@ra.isisnet.com (Andre Perusse)
  13. Subject: RE: IP address for Newtek
  14. Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
  15. Precedence: bulk
  17. Just wanted to thank everyone who answered my question.  Much appreciated.
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------
  20. /\ndre - aperusse@ra.isisnet.com | A4000,34MB,2.1GB,40MHz Warp
  21. ANIMAX MULTIMEDIA - Computer Animation & Multimedia Authoring
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------